
Trafalgar Theatre, Thursday, 15 September 2022


08.45 - 9:30



Open for registration and morning networking

Welcome by the CILA President, Helena Evans


Trafalgar Theatre


Keynote - Where is Britain’s Economy Heading?

Professor Trevor Williams

Trafalgar Theatre


Coffee Break


Adjusting to Sustainability

This practical session will explore the role of the property adjuster in delivering claims solutions which support the Sustainability agenda. In the midst of a supply-chain crisis, rising inflation, and demands to repair not replace and “build back better”,  what do Insurers and customers expect, and how can adjusting help reduce the carbon footprint inherent in reinstatement?


Toby Knight, Head of UK Operations, McLarens

Paul Redington, Property Major Loss Team, Zurich Insurance

Simon Peck, Regional Manager Field Based Claims, Lloyds Banking Group

Gareth Bowers, Head of Major Loss, McLarens

Richard Done, Commercial Operations Director, Polygon

Andrew Bussey, Director, Gateley Smithers Purslow

Trafalgar Theatre




Legal Update - International Relations & War/Terrorism

Ukraine – The short and long term consequences of conflict and associated insurance implications.

In this session Nicola and Oli will be discussing a broad range of issues arising as a result of the Ukraine conflict and pertinent to all situations of conflict, including:

·       The effect of sanctions;

·       Supply Chains;

·       Cyber Attacks;

·       Political Violence and Terrorism cover

·       Direct vs Indirect claims

·       Recent claims/cases

Speaker: Nicola Maher, Partner - Litigation and Insurance, Edwin Coe LLP
Oliver Pannell, Partner, Edwin Coe LLP

Trafalgar Theatre

13:30 - 14:00

Is there a future for Loss Adjusting?

David Williams will discuss the perceived hurdles and the potential adaptations Loss Adjusters should consider to survive the changing market. A thought provoking discussion from a Insurers perspective.


David Williams, Qlaims

Trafalgar Theatre


Coffee Break


Unprecedented Times: Post-Pandemic Claims Handling

The word “unprecedented” has been used liberally in the last few years to describe the pandemic, post-pandemic recovery, and now climatic environmental changes and historic inflation. This panel discussion will bring together lawyers, adjusters, assessors and brokers to consider the impact of climate change and inflation, with a particular focus on communicating with policyholders to aid them in understanding insurers’ approach to claims and the constraints of the policy wording. As adjusters, it is our duty to ensure that we maintain empathy with customers and communicate clearly as to how their insurance responds.

Melissa Cunningham, Senior Vice President, Consulting Director, Marsh

Mark Harris, Senior Technical Manager, Harris Balcombe
John Farrell, Partner, Kennedys Law
Angus Osborne-White, Director, Head of Technical Development, Crawfords

Trafalgar Theatre


Comfort Break

15:30 - 16:00

Panel Session

Hosted By: Ant Gould, Director, Full Circle Corporate Communications

Having reflected on the points raised in the morning session, delegates will have the opportunity to ask the panel questions and join the debate about the topics raised throughout the day.

Inevitably, there will be more to talk about than time permits, and delegates are free to contact CILA in respect of topics they would like to be addressed in advance and we will do our best to accommodate those.

Trafalgar Theatre


Conference Close



Trafalgar Theatre

17:00 - 19:00

Hawkins Sponsored Drinks Reception

Exhibition Hall

19:00 - 22:00

Networking Dinner

Trafalgar Suite

Have your say: